Thursday, December 2, 2010

Unexpected sweetness

I never trust a man that easily whispering sweet words to a girl. Dari zaman masehi pas beta masih single (duile), tipe2 cowok macem begitu termasuk dalam black list beta. Kalau ada cowok yg mendekati beta dengan mengumbar madu, bisa dijamin besoknya gw kabur jauh2 menghindar.
So, gak heran klo gw dapet hubby yg tipe straight. Apa adanya. Malah hubby gw ini hobbynya bikin perasaan gw naik turun.
Misalnya aja, nih klo gw bis dandan kerenan dikit pas mo pergi.

Hubby : "Wow, sexy!"
Me : "Thank you..."(Ge Er) -barometer feeling : UP-
Hubby : (Big grin) "You must have spent a long time in the bathroom painting your face"
Me : (sending a death glare) -barometer feeling : DOWN THE HILL!!-

Love is a mystery

Anyway, semalem pas lg snuggle up with hubby, beta tiba2 nanya bagaimana perasaan dia setelah sekian tahun bersama gw. Apa kalau setiap melihat gw, dia masih merasa ada sparkle? Apa, sih yg dia suka dari gw? Gw suka parno liat pasangan yg married bertahun2 akhirnya malah jadi kaya brother and sister. Atau a perfect room mate only. Oh, no please! Ngapain gw kawin klo gt.

Back to the story, hubby menatap beta dengan tampang yg mengesankan was was. Kesannya pertanyaan beta itu mirip jebakan di Benteng Takeshi. Yang kalau dijawab apa pun, hasilnya jawaban dia tetap salah.

Hubby : "You are not looking to start a fight, right?"
Me :"NO! I just want to know.What do you like about me?"
Hubby : "That's hard to answer because if I said I like everything you will not believe me"
Me : "Really?"(sceptical-soalnya ini jawaban paling aman dari kaum pria!)
Hubby : "See?"
Me : "Well, I mean there has to be one particular thing of me that you like the most!I want to know why you like that and why you don't like others"
Hubby : (touching my lip) "I'm serious,honey...It's like asking me which part of a candy that sweet. It's the same sweetness. I like all side of you..."

Let me tell you, hubby bukan tipe yg bermanis2 ria tapi sekalinya ngomong manis....wuihhh...send me straight to the cloud number nine....Sigh....
Score 0-1 for Rhea Vs Hubby....
